Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dreams / New Motivations

Josh and I have been talking about dreams for a couple of weeks now. I told him about two weeks ago that I can't remember the last time I actually remembered a dream. Ironically, this past week I've been having extremely vivid dreams. The weird thing is that these go back before my years at UCSD. The two constant ones that I have involve me being in kung fu and acting in shows in high school. Rehearsals, tech weeks, and cast parties repeatedly playback in my dreams from the different musicals I used to be in. It throws me off, because they end up being incredibly real and without much change to what really happened. As for the kung fu ones, I keep dreaming about when I was in 10th grade and had to give it up (in order to pursue theatre and music, keep my job at Red Onion, continue tutoring, etc.). To this day, that still remains as one of the hardest decisions I had to make. I loved kung fu and everything about it. However, if I chose that over theatre, I guarantee I wouldn't have had the opportunities or met the people that I have. It's about 7:30am and I just woke up from a dream depicting the day I quit kung fu. Kind of creepy. Maybe these dreams are a sign....No clue. It does make falling asleep a lot more interesting, though.

As I have mentioned several other times, my eyes have opened up to a lot of things since I have been abroad. One of those happen to involve a lot of people from the past. I was looking at old school pictures last night and it made me realize how many people I have lost touch with over the years. While I understand that this is completely natural and happens to just about everyone, I do want to make an effort to connect with some of those people. I had some great times in high school and even the early years in college with a lot of folks I don't speak to anymore. We didn't end on bad terms, but we just ended up going our own ways. This will be one of my first goals when I get back to the Bay Area and San Diego.

Time to shower and head to 9am class. I realllllllly hope class isn't cancelled again, because I'm really sleepy and could use a few more hours.

P.S. I'm SOLD on hip hop and salsa. I will most definitely continue those in San Diego. Salsa is such a fun dance and I love all off the different moves I have learned, so far. Now that I finally got down how to "lead the girl," it's cake. As for hip hop, well I think anybody can agree that its in my blood. haha

Here's a picture of Bobby and I from How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. I was trying to find other pictures, but apparently I never put that many show pictures up on facebook. I will have to get on that when I get home too. Bobby is going to hate me for putting this picture up. I played J. Pierrepont Finch and since I didn't get much off-stage time, I always had to make sure my makeup was okay and wasn't going to be bothering me. I remember this picture being taken and being irritated with my makeup; almost ready to just take it all off. haha. OH theatre! I love stage managing for sure, but I will never forget my days onstage...

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! How to succeed was a good show man. The way all of the theater department came together was great. And big ups on your dream reoccurrence. WHENever there is change in my life, I usually go back in my dreams and almost analyze the situations that changed me. JUST think at the end of theater 1, I seriously thought about trying to get all of my important "credits" out of the way. Then Knoll changed my mind and erased my other elective with theater 2. A great turning point indeed.

    Can't wait to vid chat witcha too man. Keep Lookin out Hip Hop Masta.....

